Sunday, June 10, 2007

Summer of Socks 2007

I'm creating this blog just so I can participate in the Summer of Socks! I never intended to have a knitting blog as I don't really have much to say about knitting. There are far too many excellent knitters already out in the blogosphere who really do have something to say. But you have to have a blog to join the Summer of Socks, so here I am!

I knit all the time . . . and all across the country. Every time we arrive in a new place, I Google the name of the town + yarn to see if I can find any yarn shops. Most yarn is the same from shop to shop and town to town, but what knitters are doing with that yarn changes from one part of the country to the next. So there is always something new to see yarn-wise or pattern-wise.

Ok, let me test post two pictures of a recent pair of socks. I knit these for my Aunt Rose who is a member of the Red Hat Society, hence the red and purple yarn. The heel picture is a little blurry, but I have a new camera since I took these pictures, so I think I'll be a little more focused in the future. (Don't tell Aunt Rose about this blog, because her birthday isn't until next month and I haven't given her the socks yet!)

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