Tuesday, August 28, 2007

SOS - Last pair?

This is pair #4 (and maybe the last) for the Summer of Socks knit-along. They are also the August pair for the Ravelry sock group. I really have to stop joining these knit-alongs. Just keeping up with their blogs takes way too much knitting and biking/skating time!

These are made out of the most incredibly soft yarn - Mountain Colors Bearfoot (60% superwash wool, 25% mohair, 15% nylon) in the Ruby River colorway. Oh, they feel soooo good on the foot! Not sure if I'm keeping these, or if they are a sister present (you know who you are!).

The pattern is "River Rapid Socks" by Sockbug. It had an easy to remember pattern on the leg and going down the instep. I did my own thing on the heel.

Here's an outta focus pix of the sock blockers I made from vinyl-coated coat hangers. I got the idea from another website, which I can't remember at the moment. If I do, I'll come back and post a link here. I made a bunch of them to give to sock knitting friends. They may not be as pretty as fancy $30 sock blockers, but they cost next to nothing and probably work just as well.

1 comment:

Ina said...

Thanks for being the most diligent of blog readers! I had a great time in SOS!!